Saturday, January 14, 2017


Warm April air in that spacious flat had turned thick... with fragrance of mutton curry...

S.K., Punit and Aru-uncle all 3 were down approx 2 pegs each...
Besides creating the happy buzz, whisky also had made them hungry... super duper hungry.

Thankfully Punit's mummiji served dinner...
Just in time... n all four of them shifted to table.

It was very typical 'sunday night meal' visual... Of any nouveau riche meat-eating marathi family.
Shiny steel plates... shinier bowls...
chapatis... warm n soft like baby-cheeks...
red steaming mutton curry...
n specially in Punit's plate: big chunk of lamb-bone... his favorite!

Punit cheered up...
He threw happy air-kisses towards mum... and sucked that tubular bone... sucked while it's hot...
Sucked so hard... It was almost vulgar.
All that bone-marrow got into his mouth...
That buttery, warm, grey chunk of happiness traveled through his food pipe n he moaned... in ecstasy.
"Mum I love you for this."

Mummiji had a fresh tide of maternal love,
"I know you like marrow... n you need it too.
It will strengthen your broken bones... love.
My poor baby... n his leg...
These idiot slum people... is footpath a place to slee...?"